Central Asia-Caucasus Economic Outlook: Arising from the Pandemic, Building Forward Better

The Central Asia-Caucasus Institute invites you to the presentation of the International Monetary Fund's Regional Economic Outlook for Central Asia and the Caucasus, published on April 11, 2021.

Our speakers discussed post-COVID economic prospects across countries in the region, depending on the pandemic’s path, vaccine rollouts, underlying fragilities, as well as exposure to tourism and contact-intensive sectors. Policies will also continue to play a key role: in the short term, to save lives and livelihoods and support the recovery while ensuring macroeconomic resilience; and in the longer term, to accelerate progress toward more inclusive, sustainable, and green economies. The specific case of Kazakhstan and its policy response and recovery strategy was also discussed. 


Dr. Subir Lall, Deputy Director, Middle East and Central Asia Department, International Monetary Fund

Dr. Nicolas Blancher, Division Chief for Central Asia/Mission Chief for Kazakhstan, Middle East and Central Asia Department, International Monetary Fund


Svante E. Cornell, Director, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute at American Foreign Policy Council 

When: Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The event was also live-streamed on the CACI YouTube page

Published in Forums & Events

Regional Economic Outlook for Central Asia and the Caucasus

How have countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus responded to COVID-19 and how are they planning to recover and rebuild? The Central Asia-Caucasus Institute invites you to the presentation of the International Monetary Funds' Regional Economic Outlook for Central Asia and the Caucasus, published on October 19, 2020. This important study offers a positive account of mitigation measures but cautionary words for the future. Our speaker was Dr. Subir Lall, Deputy Director, Middle East and Central Asia Department, International Monetary Fund. S. Frederick Starr chaired and moderated.

 When: Monday, December 21, 2020, 10 - 11 AM EST

The event was live-streamed on the CACI Facebook page and is now available on Youtube

Published in Forums & Events

The Caucasus after the War 

Recent events signify profound changes in the Caucasus. Georgia has held a contested election; meanwhile, on November 10th, a cease-fire agreement ended weeks of fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan that claimed over a thousand lives and saw Azerbaijan restore control over vast swaths of land. A new status quo has been reached, Russian peacekeepers are now deployed in the area and Turkey has emerged as a force in the Caucasus. Where does the region go from here? What are the implications for U.S. and European policy? 

Prominent regional and international speakers joined CACI experts in a discussion on the implications of a Nagorno-Karabakh peace treaty and how the conflict has already reshaped the security situation for the countries of the Southern Caucasus and the wider region.


Svante E. Cornell, Director, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute 


- Glen Howard, President, Jamestown Foundation

- Ambassador Tedo Japaridze, Former Ambassador of Georgia to the United States, Canada, and Mexico

- Suat Kiniklioglu, Former Turkish Parliamentarian and Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Security and Developmental Policy

- Sergey Markedonov, Leading Researcher at the Institute of International Studies at MGIMO-University


The event was live-streamed on the CACI Facebook page and is now available on our Youtube Channel

Published in Forums & Events

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In lieu of our in-person annual gathering, the CAMCA Regional Forum organizers  are hosting a virtual e-CAMCA Week.

The June 2020 CAMCA Forum, to be held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, was postponed until June 2021. In its place, CACI and the Rumsfeld Foundation organized the e-CAMCA week of online events and publication. Find recordings of the e-CAMCA Week virtual events held over June 15th-19th at the CAMCA Forum YouTube Channel, as well a variety of original #CAMCAweek publications and resources for our CAMCA Forum community at www.camcaforum.org,. 




CAMCA 2020 pic 2 

CAMCA 2020 part 3


The Value of CAMCA 

A joint statement on the value of the CAMCA Regional Forum by three distinguished regional representatives: Amb. Tedo Japaridze, Sen. Sodyq Safoev and Amb. Hafiz Pashayev

Welcome Letter

Letter from Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

 and Dr. S  Frederick Starr for

e-CAMCA Week 2020 participants

Meet CAMCA Entrepreneurs

View features of some successful regional entrepreneurs from our CAMCA Network

"Caucasus & Central Asia Post COVID-19" Series- Volume I

The Strasbourg Policy Centre's Series brings together statesmen and scholars that reflect on how the current pandemic affects the economy and power distribution in the region bridging the Atlantic and the Pacific economies

Digital Transformation in the CAMCA Region

A jointly authored article by two CAMCA Network members - Mariam Lashkhi, Deputy Chairperson of Georgia’s Innovation & Technology Agency, and Talant Sultanov, Co-Founder of the Internet Society-Kyrgyz Chapter

Post COVID-19: Challeges & Opportunities for the Region

A comprehensive collection of brief commentaries on the short and long-term impacts – economic, political and social – of the COVID-19 pandemic on the CAMCA region.  Contributors to this unique publication include more than 20 experts and professionals from over 10 countries representing think tanks, business, academia, government and more.  Read these wide-ranging perspectives, including insights directly from the region, curated for our CAMCA Forum community.

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Published in Forums & Events


On June 26, CACI Director, Dr. Svante E. Cornell discussed the recent e-CAMCA (Central Asia, Mongolia, Caucasus, Afghanistan) regional conference organized by CACI and the Rumsfeld Foundation, the region's response to COVID-19, progress with political and economic reforms, risks and opportunities for regional states with regard to China-U.S.-Russia competition in the region.

Listen to the extended interview with a q&a session: https://bit.ly/3g0nqk5

Watch the recording of the interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPBMeP0yZGA

Scroll down to listen to the full recording of the event.Screen Shot 2020-06-29 at 3.19.10 PM



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Silk Road Papers and Monographs