
CACI Forum

Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016, from 5 to 7 p.m. 

(reception at 5 p.m. with Georgian wine, followed by the main program at 5:30)

The Freedom Support Act of 1992 (Freedom for Russia and Emerging Eurasian Democracies and Open Markets Support Act) made the "promotion of democracy" a main strategic priority of the US in the former republics of the USSR. What specific achievements can the US claim in this sphere in the Caucasus and Central Asia, and what have been its failures? To what extent does the experience of the last quarter century call for revisions in America's tactics in this area? And to what extent, if any, does experience call into question the strategy itself?

Rather than duel over the number of successes and failures, our speakers will focus on steps that might improve the effectiveness of actions to advance this strategic goal or, if necessary, more fundamental changes in the strategy itself.

The recorded version of this seminar is now available to view on the SAIS events Youtube channel.

  Laura Jewett, Regional Director, Eurasia Programs, National Democratic Institute (NDI)
  Stephen Nix, Regional Director, Eurasia, International Republican Institute (IRI)
  David Kramer, Sr. Director for Human Rights and Democracy, McCain Institute for International Leadership

 Moderator:  S. Frederick Starr, Chairman, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute


Rome Building Auditorium
SAIS - Johns Hopkins University
1619 Massachusetts Ave.,  NW
Washington, DC  20036

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CACI Forum with the Jamestown Foundation

We have learned from Paul Goble that he has experienced medical complications and has therefore been admitted to the hospital for observation. Because of this, he will not be able to travel to Washington for the Forum and associated events on Monday.
CACI will reschedule the Forum as soon as we receive an "all clear" from Paul Goble. 
Meanwhile, his many friends send him warm wishes for a quick return to his normal routine.


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By Vladimir Socor

ISDP Policy Brief no. 191

December 22, 2015

Click here for PDF version


The year now ending marked a milestone in Kazakhstan’s rapprochement with the European Union. On December 21, 2015 in Astana, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, and Kazakhstan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yerlan Idrissov, signed the EU-Kazakhstan Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement. This new-generation Agreement replaces and upgrades an earlier, less ambitious document. Kazakhstan is the first Central Asian country to achieve this status vis-a-vis the European Union. This status puts Kazakhstan ahead of Russia in terms of official relations with the EU; moreover, the Kazakhstan-EU relationship is trouble-free.

Published in Staff Publications

By Johan Engvall and Svante E. Cornell

ISDP Policy Brief no. 189, December 17, 2015

Click here for PDF version

In the past two years, Kazakhstan has joined the World Trade Organization, obtained a seat at the Asia-Europe Meeting, signed an Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the European Union, announced it would host the EXPO-2017 in Astana, and launched a bid for a rotating seat at the United Nations Security Council. This extraordinary high frequency of international engagements is remarkable, but it represents a difference in degree and not nature in Kazakhstan’s diplomatic history. Indeed, since the fall of the Soviet Union Kazakhstan has developed a record of being the most proactive and innovative former Soviet republic in the sphere of international cooperation. 

Published in Staff Publications

eu-kz-assISDP Conference

Kazakhstan and Europe: Charting a Path to Progress

Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2015, from 1 to 5:30 p.m.

On December 21 in Astana, the EU and Kazakhstan are slated to sign an enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement. This development of closer EU-Kazakhstan relations, in a year when Kazakhstan also joined the WTO, takes place as Kazakhstan's economic and security situation is at a crossroads. Kazakhstan's region harbors considerable uncertainty, while falling commodity prices have forced the government to adjust its priorities, and spurred fundamental economic reform. Meanwhile, Kazakhstan is planning to host the Expo 2017 in Astana, and is promoting a bid for the 2017 UN Security Council.

Conference program:

13.00 - 13.30 Welcome and Introductory Remarks

Dr. Svante Cornell, Director, Institute for Security and Development Policy (click for video)

H.E. Dr. Dastan Yeleukenov, Ambassador of Kazakhstan (click for video)

H.E. Mr. Stefan Gullgren, Head of the Department for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs (click for video)

13.30-15.15 Panel one: Kazakhstan and International Politics

Kazakhstan 2050: Vision for a New Century
Dr. Dauren Aben, Nazarbayev University (click for video)

Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Tariq Rauf, SIPRI 

Kazakhstan's Bid for the UNSC
Dr. Johan Engvall, Research Fellow at ISDP and the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (click for video)

Beyond Oil: Astana Expo 2017 and Green Energy
Dr. Nygmet Ibadildin, Associate Professor, KIMEP University (click for video)


15:15 – 15:45 Coffee Break


15:45 – 17:30 Panel Two: Europe and Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan and Europe: Toward a New Partnership
Dr. Michael Emerson, Centre for European Policy Studies (click for video)

Relations with Europe in Kazakhstan's Foreign Policy
Dr. Askar Nursha, Project Coordinator, Institute of World Economy and Politics (click for video)

Kazakhstan: An Island of Stability in a Turbulent Region?
Mr. Vladimir Socor, Senior Fellow, Jamestown Foundation (click for video)

Advancing Continental Transport: the EU and Kazakhstan
Dr. Svante Cornell, Director, Institute for Security and Development Policy (click for video)



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