Friday, 26 June 2020

CACI Director Svante E. Cornell Interview on AFPC Insights Episode 5: The Changing Politics of Central Asia Featured

Published in News


On June 26, CACI Director, Dr. Svante E. Cornell discussed the recent e-CAMCA (Central Asia, Mongolia, Caucasus, Afghanistan) regional conference organized by CACI and the Rumsfeld Foundation, the region's response to COVID-19, progress with political and economic reforms, risks and opportunities for regional states with regard to China-U.S.-Russia competition in the region.

Listen to the extended interview with a q&a session:

Watch the recording of the interview:

Scroll down to listen to the full recording of the event.Screen Shot 2020-06-29 at 3.19.10 PM



Read 14247 times Last modified on Monday, 29 June 2020





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